Hi everyone. So it's now orientation week or O week as they call it down under. This means lots of boring meetings to sit through, and very similar computer programs to learn, and all sorts of fun stuff. I signed up to go to Reef HQ today which is a neat aquarium here, and I'm contemplating signing up for the students association because they get discounted prices at the on-campus club. I have pretty much decided that I'm not going to join the gym. They seem to have interesting classes but it would cost me $300 for the semester, which is about $100 more than I was willing to spend. I've also decided for right now at least that I'm not going to sign up for the social sports since it's $40 per sport, and they don't have any that I know I will enjoy. I'll just have to content myself with playing volleyball, and swimming all the time :). On a happier note, there's a toga party tonight which I'm super psyched about. I'm a little less excited about being a frosh again and all of the crap that's attached to that, but it'll get better after this week.
Over the weekend I went clubbing with some friends which was great fun. I also went out to a bar with most of the residents in Uni Hall which was interesting to say the least. This weekend I'm planning on going to a pool party and probably visiting the beach which should be pretty sweet. It does, however, have to stop raining before that can happen. There are some downsides to living in a tropical climate.
Anyways, I'm going to attach a video and a picture from a cruise I was on last week!